Wednesday, November 29, 2017

My Thought on Immigrant in Our Land

To my thoughts to this poem is very confusing to me because the way the Arthur use the word. Also the only way to understand this peom is to reread until I get it. Also I did get one thing though is that he use the word immigrant  as prisoners and how he doesn't have freedom.

What I'm going to do to get a better grade

The thing I'm going to do is to try and finish all my hw and that participate in class.Also that I will do extra credit for my class to get the grade I want.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Table Conversation

Our ideas why Jessica post the entry about the poem was to show that she wasn't really interested in the peom  and only did it for the grade.

When my group compared answer for #1 and #2 they were very different because they use them as foreign people coming into  a new country .Then there me who use as new prisoners coming in jail. Also we actually got the same tone answer which was sad and depressing

The theme of this story is don't judge too fast on people before you talk to them and know them.

The mood of this poem is depressing.

What I did during Thanksgiving

The thing I did during my thanksgiving break was having fun time with my family for example going out to eat which we rarely do.Also thanksgiving I ate many types of food for example tomales, parole, bean and much more. Al so that I play soccer alot during my break. These were some of the activities I did .

FInal Terms Meaning

Allusion: When the author represent how the character is off from there outside Plot:The setting of the book or movie Theme:The big idea o...